Java – what are the possibilities for working with this language?

Java is an extremely desirable back-end language, because it can be used for many purposes – banks, insurance companies, or sales companies, use it. It is called a multifunctional language, because it can be used to write web, desktop, or mobile applications. The language also has the advantage, that programmes written in it, can run on multiple platforms: Windows, Linux, Mac OS X and Android phones.

Java is also valued for its flexibility, as it offers the possibility to program a single application for multiple devices, without having to program separate versions for the operating systems in question. As a result, this is a huge time-saver, which can realistically speed up the entire development process.

Java has its own rigid standards for writing code, which, in a way, dictate the rules for programming in this language. While this may be a downside for some, it will be a big plus for others, if only because the imposed programming rules allow not only the people who create the code to understand it, but also allow outsiders to take over at any time.


Working as an automation tester in Java

An automation tester is a person, who is in charge of writing scripts, to confirm that a particular functionality works correctly. What a manual tester tests manually, an automation tester re-writes into code, and may use languages such as C#, Python, or the Java just discussed, to do so.

The responsibilities of an automation tester include, among others, creating scenarios and test cases, running tests, reporting bugs, and preparing reports.

The knowledge to become an automation tester is:

  • general knowledge of testing – it is sometimes the case that an automation tester becomes one without experience as a manual tester. This is, of course, possible, but in order to start taking the first steps in this profession, it is necessary to understand the idea of testing. The ISTQB – Foundation Level certification can be a signpost.
  • object-oriented programming – as Java, which is an object-oriented language, is the most popular language used for testing – object-oriented programming is a must have.
  • automation tools – there are plenty of tools on the market, related to the subject of test automation, and one of the most popular is Selenium. So it’s worth focusing on learning Java, in conjunction with Selenium, before applying for your first job offers.
  • GIT – is a version control system, that allows you to work remotely in a team, and by saving all changes and corrections, resulting in error-free code.

Java Developer

A Java developer is a person, who is responsible for creating software in this particular language. Whereas in the job of a tester, a good knowledge of Java was sufficient, in the job of a developer, it must already be proficient. The tasks of a Java developer include the following: designing software and applications, creating well-written, efficient code, diagnosing and fixing bugs, taking care of the application’s performance, and working closely with analysts and customers.

However, the skills that a Java Developer must possess, include:

  • object-oriented programming – exactly as in the case of a tester – this is a basic concept of the Java language, and its understanding is absolutely necessary.
  • system design and architecture – i.e. the most important parts of the software development process. Every specialist, no matter what language he or she is programming in, has to choose the right architecture and technology stack for creating the programme.
  • web technologies – HTML and CSS are front-end languages , often used in Java projects. They are not difficult to understand, so should not be a problem for anyone.
  • code version control – tools that help development teams manage changes to source code over time. There are many version control platforms, including Github, BitBucket, GitLab.

Where is Java being used?

Java is constantly evolving and undoubtedly dominates the development of all sorts of applications, especially when it comes to the back-end. Java is used in:

  • Android applications,
  • server-side applications in the financial services industry – as Java is very popular in financial services, many global investment banks use the language to write electronic transaction systems, settlement and confirmation systems, data processing projects, and much more.
  • web applications – Java is also popular in the e-commerce and web applications industry.
  • software tools – many useful software and development tools are written and developed in Java, including the Eclipse IDE, IntelliJ Idea, and NetBeans IDE.
  • Big Data technologies.

What are the job prospects for those familiar with Java?

Java, although an age-old language, is still very popular, and is still being developed. It is a typical back-end language, and the back-end itself, compared to the front-end, is not as heavily over-saturated with juniors, and so, it is theoretically easier to find your first job, simply in this area.

Java developer jobs can be found, not only in typical software development companies, but also in banks and the insurance industry, where you will be responsible for the actual writing of the code, as well as ensuring the correct functionality of the application, and fixing any bugs on an ongoing basis.

As far as the automation tester is concerned, this is also a future-oriented profession, because with today’s demand for testing, an automation tester should have no problem finding a place for himself/herself in the job market.

In both cases, professionals can expect to earn good salaries and work remotely, hybrid, or onsite, depending on their preference.


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