Body leasing – what is it and is it a solution for your company?

Body leasing is a way of hiring a skilled professional without having to go through the expensive and time-consuming process of recruiting employees for your company. It is a service related to outsourcing in that in both cases there is the provision of services by an external employee in a particular field, but the difference is fundamental. With body leasing, there is a literal hire of an employee and the contract is for a fixed time it can last for a few days or several months. In the case of an outsourcing contract, we are talking about the purchase of a complete service, e.g. the writing of a single application or entire software.

Advantages of body leasing

If you need an IT specialist, e.g. to ensure the ongoing digital security of your company, but your company is not strictly in the IT field, then sourcing an employee may pose problems. This is because, as you do not specialise in IT recruitment, you do not know exactly what hard competencies the employee should have. Your recruiters may not know this either. As a result, it will simply be difficult to verify which candidate for a given position will have the right competencies.

In such a situation, it is recommended using the solution of a body leasing contract. The unquestionable advantage of body leasing is the possibility of having an experienced IT specialist in cooperation, without the need to carry out a recruitment process and create a position for him or her and, therefore, incur the associated costs and formalities. The body leasing intermediary will go through the entire procedure for you, to ultimately provide you with a valuable employee with a range of competencies best suited to your needs.

Choosing to work with a specialist body leasing company brings with it constant access to a professional service and a guarantee of using the latest technology solutions.

There are many advantages to working with an external IT service provider. In addition to the reduction in business costs, the following benefits can be highlighted:

  • releasing IT resources contracting an external company to manage tasks related to the handling of activities within the broadly understood IT allows the company to deal with other, important topics, allowing for development in other, key areas of the company,
  • increasing the company’s productivity by eliminating difficult and costly tasks to be carried out independently , you can focus on increasing your profits more quickly and effectively,
  • access to the latest technology and IT solutions,
  • increased IT security by transferring responsibilities of the IT infrastructure to specialists, it becomes possible to detect any irregularities around security more quickly,
  • no need to maintain an in-house IT department,
  • reduced staffing responsibilities,
  • avoiding a costly recruitment process,
  • access to experienced staff who are specialists in their field,
  • minimising the risk of delayed delivery of projects external company delegates experienced specialists to take care of specific tasks in the broader IT service area.

Body leasing for companies from Awerson

As a company, Awerson e offers to hire experienced professionals with an excellent reputation and high adaptability. Our job is to find you employees for the time you specify, in jointly defined technological and project areas. In this way, you will gain access to the knowledge and tools you need here and now.

We have already contracted more than 1,000 specialists, so we can confidently say that we are already experts in this field. Our candidates work with us for a fixed period we negotiate with them the terms of the contract that will guarantee you a successful collaboration, while you can focus on cost optimisation and collaboration flexibility.

By working with us, you do not involve your team in the recruitment process we take care of everything, and it is up to you only to verify and accept the reported number of hours worked by our specialist.